
I started this blog to encourage others to grow and produce what you can. We are living in a tough economy where we are struggling to make each penny count. I'm not a professional master gardner, but I work hard and take pride in what I grow. Growing my own food for my family gives me a big sense of accomplishment, and allows me to know exactly what is going into my family's bodies. I don't use chemicals. I stick to using organic methods and am trying to reach out to the average Joe's & Jane's to provide a place to learn AND share their experiences. So please feel free to comment and share what you may have learned through your own trial and errors, and keep checking back. Happy Homesteading Ya'll

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Back to Eden Method

Well a good friend of ours shared this link with us and I think it is a really great concept for gardening, so much so that my wife and I added a 15'x25' bed this past week end and will be trying it out! 
As far as our old beds we now have our 49sq. ft. herb garden that survived the almost non existent winter, 4 beef steak tomato plants, 2 cherry tomato plants, 2 black berry plants, 2 blue berry plants, 2 raspberry plants and bell peppers. We planted a peach tree, apple tree, lemon tree, lime tree and satsuma orange tree!! Yum! All of the tree varieties we planted are self fertile varieties which means we do not have to worry about pollination of buds to produce fruit. All of this in the city!! and we haven't even planted in the new bed yet. The list for the new bed is not completed yet, but it will have watermelon, beans, onions, potatoes,  corn, squash and more!! 

So check it out. Do make sure you have a good 1 1/2hrs or 2 as this is a free full feature documentary film. http://www.backtoedenfilm.com/

Happy Homesteading!!

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