
I started this blog to encourage others to grow and produce what you can. We are living in a tough economy where we are struggling to make each penny count. I'm not a professional master gardner, but I work hard and take pride in what I grow. Growing my own food for my family gives me a big sense of accomplishment, and allows me to know exactly what is going into my family's bodies. I don't use chemicals. I stick to using organic methods and am trying to reach out to the average Joe's & Jane's to provide a place to learn AND share their experiences. So please feel free to comment and share what you may have learned through your own trial and errors, and keep checking back. Happy Homesteading Ya'll

Monday, December 26, 2011

Spread the Word!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and that time was well spent with your family's and memories created for your little ones. I know it's been a while since I last posted, and apologize. I have been very busy around the house and work as most of you have I'm sure. I did want to take this moment to just encourage ya'll during these winter months. This is a great time to plan your spring gardens. You can add new beds, take out the dead plants, weed your beds. replace any wood in your raised beds that may have suffered any rot. Also plan and install rain barrels, compost bins, order seeds the list goes on and on!! I would encourage you to pick up a copy of the 2012 Farmers Almanac also as a good guide to what days are good for certain jobs around the homestead. Lastly, if you are enjoying the rewards of what you are sowing in the back yard then spread the word and encourage your family, friends and co workers to get out there and get their hands dirty! Home Grown just tastes better!!

Happy Homesteading!!